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2023 Thirty Days of Giving

October 31, 2023 1 min read


2023 Thirty Days of Giving
Believe it or not (we can’t), the holidays are back!

Parties, planning, events, and travel are just about to start, and let’s be honest, the holiday stress can begin to start too. Our solution? Intentional gratitude. That’s why we started our “30 Days of Giving” challenge a couple years ago that quickly became an annual Albion tradition.

What is “30 Days of Giving”? It’s a calendar of simple yet impactful activities for every day of November. It’s not about completing every single task, but adopting the spirit of service and gratitude and incorporating even a few into your schedule can make a big difference. Trust us.

So here’s your invitation, from us, to join in 30 Days of Giving. Pro tip: write your experience in a journal, and look back to see the total effort (and affect!) of your service. Share with your friends, your family, and spread the spirit of giving! Don’t forget to tag us on social media at @albionfit and use the hashtag #albionhelpinghands! Happy giving!

2 Responses

Michele Mims
Michele Mims

November 22, 2023

I am looking forward to beginning this journey.

Mila Weavil
Mila Weavil

November 22, 2023

This is a wonderful idea and I have challenges others to join in on the thirty days of giving. It will bring joy to all. #albionhelpinghands

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